Pigeon Medicine
1) Coccicure: Size 150 grm cntr Price:Tk.3000/-
Quantity: 2 cntr
Indications: Treatment of coccidiosis in racing pigeons caused by Eimeria spp.
Dosage: 1 spoonful per 2 litres drinking water for 6 days.
When 20 pigeons drink more than 1litre a day, reduce or raise the dose proportionally. Try to administer enough medicines to provide the quantity the pigeons drink in 1 day. Refresh the water after 1 day.
Note : Coccidiosis must only be treated in case of moderate or severe infections because coccidiosis is no big problem by racing pigeons. By light infections is extra hygiene enough. After a cure always 2 days multivitamins.
2) Streptococ-coli-cure: Size 150 grm cntr Price:Tk.3000/-
Quantity: 4 cntr
Indications:Diseases caused by the bacteria’s Streptococcus bovis, (young bird sickness) and E-coli. This cure is active against both problems in racing pigeons.
Treatment:Administer when signs of e-coli (mostly youngsters with no appetite, vomiting, weight lose, slimy droppings, mortality) or streptococcus (more older pigeons, muscle infections, paralysing of legs and wings, total illness).
Dosage:1 spoonful per 2 litre drinking water for 10 days. When 20 pigeons drink more or less than 1 litre a day, reduce or raise the dose proportionally. When adminster medicines in the drinking water, provide the quantity they drink in 1 day. Refresh the water after 1 day.
Prevention for e-coli:Young pigeons after every stress-situation (after vaccination, after weaning, after first time basketing, after first time training, after the first flights, after ending darkness) administer for 2 days.
Note: After each cure with streptococ-coli cure give multivitamins for 2 days
3) Trichomonas Cure: Size 150 grm cntr Price:Tk.2800/-
Quantity: 2 cntr
Indications: Trichomoniasis(Cankar) and Hexamitiasis in racing pigeons.
Treatment: When positive throat-swab (Trichomoniasis) or positive cloaca-swab (Hexamitiasis) When signs of Trichomoniasis ( yellow moisture on the mucous membrane in the mouth) in the throat.
Dosage:1 measure spoon in 4 litre water.
Prevention: When fanciers don’t use the Disinfection Combination then give ) Trichomonas Cure 1 day after the flight. And for 6 days when the pigeons sit on eggs.
4) Paratyphoid cure: Size:150 grm cntr Price:Tk.3200/-cntr
Quantity:7 pcs
Indications:Salmonellosis (Paratyphoid) in racing pigeons.
Treatment:When signs of salmonella, dark green slimy and wet droppings, pigeons have lame legs or fly crooked, weight lose, dead youngsters in the nest, infertile eggs. If suspected lofts administer after the moult a cure for 14 days. The Paratyphoid Cure is also active against many other bacteriological gastro-intestinal infections. If serious infections the advice is: 14 days paratyphoid-cure, followed by 1 week paratyphoid cure. After treatment give multivitamins for 1 week. After treatment of severe infections, every six weeks bacteriological test of the droppings are needed for the duration of six months
Dosage: 1 spoonful per 2 litre drinking water during 14 days. When 20 pigeons drink more or less than 1 litre a day, reduce or raise the dose proportionally. When administer medicines in the drinking water provide the quantity they drink in 1 day. Refresh the water after 1 day.
5) Wormacure: Size: 100 grm cntr Price: 2200.- cntr Quantity:8 cntr
Indications: Worm infections from the roundworms ascaridia or cappillaria (hairworms) in racing pigeons.
Treatment:When worms are found in the droppings or eggs from the worms are found in the droppings, a cure must be given. Don’t treat with youngsters in the nest. Not to be used during the moult. After the cure administer 2 days multivitamins.
Dosage:1 spoon in 2 litre drinking water.
6) Total Disinfection Combination: Size: 150 grm cntr Price:Tk.5000/-
Quantity: 4 cntr
Indications: A magistral prepared water soluble powder with a disinfection cure for coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, paratyphoid and ornithosis for racing pigeons
Treatment:For 1 week before the beginning of the racing-season and during the races 1 day after each race. See further “The racing system”
Dosage: 1 spoonful per 2 litres drinking water. When 20 pigeons drink more than 1 litre a day, reduce or raise the dose proportionally. When administer medicines in the drinking water, provide the quantity they drink in 1 day. Refresh the water after 1 day.
7) OrniSpecial: Size: 5grm per sachets Price:Tk.600/-
Quantity:26 sachets
• Information:Combi-preparation with spectacular effects in case of Ornithosis Complex
symptoms such as:
• decreased desire to fly
• sudden lack of condition after ± 5 races
• dirty noses
• difficult breathing (rattles)
• swollen eyelids
• sneezing and scratching of the head
• darkening of the cere
• dry plumage
• “swollen” feathers around the ears
• Use: 1 – 4 days consecutive 1 measure spoon per 1 liter of water.
Preventive and for extra condition:
1 day before basketing 1 measure spoon per 1 liter of water.
Can also be mixed with W.N. for faster result:
1 sachet W.N. + 1 sachet OrniSpecial (or 2 measure spoons) per 2 liters of water.
8) B.S: Size: 5grm per sachets Price:400/- sachets
Quantity: 50 sachets/Box x 5 box
Indication: Preventive and curing in case of canker (tricho), coccidiosis, hexamitiasis and some bacterial infections of crop and intestinal. Stimulates down feather fall, purifies and improves digestion.
During breeding season on eggs: 6 days consecutive 1 sachet for 2 liters of water or 1 sachet mixed with 1 kilogram of grains .
After homing: 1,5 day 1 sachet per 2 liters of water or mixed with 1 kilogram of grains(sachets of 5 gr). Can also be used in combination with Belgasol.
9) Belgawormac: Size:100 tablets pkt Price:3000/-(per pc tk.30)
Quantity: 2 pkts
• Information: The new miracle tabl. (dewormer) against roundworms (Ascaridia, Capillaria) and tapeworms in pigeons. Easy to administer, highly effective and without any negative side effects.
• Use: 1 tablet per pigeon.
10) Biolektron: Size:500 ML Price:3000/- Quantity: 2 pcs
Information: Belgasol is a unique combination of electrolytes, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids on the basis of energy sources. Belgasol causes excessive fluid loss (dehydration) for a very rapid moisture absorption in the body. If suddenly manure, in the transition from porridge to the hard feed, accompanied by excessive alcohol consumption is excessive grit and mineral intake and weight loss the best solution Belgasol in double dose.
Application: During the breeding 5 consecutive days:
1-2 tablespoons to 1 liter of water.
Promote fitness and against thirst: The basketing: 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water.
Faster recovery of the flight: 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water immediately after returning home, possibly in combination with BS (Better digestion) 1 sachet per 2 liters of water or 1 sachet per 1 kg. to feed.
11) Superboli: Size :100 pills Price:Tk.1800/- Quantity: 1 cntr
Information :Pills on the basis of the vitamin B complex
Application : Enter up to1- 2 pills before basketing, also after returning home from a heavy flight
12)Ropa-B 10%: Size:250 ML Price:Tk.2000/- Quantity: 2 bottle
Keep your pigeons bacterial and fungal-free in a natural way.
ROPA-B Feeding Oil 10% (the only original) is a supplementary feed for pigeons.
This product is made from oregano oil extracted from the oregano plant. ROPA-B Feeding Oil 10% is an organic product that has no side effects. ROPA-B was tested by TNO and its effectiveness has been proven over and over again.
Effective against:
– Coccidiosis
– E.coli
– Trichmoniasis (Canker)
– Salmonella
– Worms
– Young Pigeon Sickness
Preventive: ROPA-B Feeding Oil 2% can be used safely throughout the year at 5mls per kilogram feed. We recommend using it 3 times per week for prevention and daily when birds experience stressful situations i.e. transport prior to and recovery post racing.
Recovery from bacterial or fungal challenge: 10mls per kilogram feed for 7 days.
13) ENROFLOXAROM 10%: Size:100 ML Price:1500/Cntr
Quantity:18 pcs
Broad spectrum antimicrobial
For the treatment of mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis, pasteurelosis, infectious coryza produced by bacteria, mycoplasma and chlamidia in poultry (hens, turkeys, racing and ornamental pigeons).
The product is administered orally, via the drinking water, as follows:
• In pigeons: 1 ml/litre of drinking water/day, for 5-6 days.
14) Alazol: Size:250 ML Price:Tk.3000/- Quantity: 1 CNTR
Given the almost constant presence of trichomoniasis in a herd, it is prudent to conduct at least two preventive treatments in the year: one in the spring, the second before or after the big moult.
The treatment during the first half of the breeding season, is an excellent method since breeding will be free of trichomoniasis during feeding their young, excessively delicate period.
Preventive treatment can be conducted with TRICHOLYSE oral dimetridazole based powder, to be administered in drinking water at a rate of 4 teaspoons per liter of water for 5 days.
In times of extreme heat or feeding, it should compensate for the increased watering by reducing the dose accordingly, so that the drug dose ingested remains roughly constant: this is the reason that makes the most delicate Use of the ALAZOL more concentrated dimetridazole the TRICHOLYSE because poorly controlled, a drinking water consumption too dosed drug can cause nervous symptoms, fortunately reversible and leaving no sequelae specialty. Nevertheless, it is this product that I use alazol. Curative treatment undertaken when the disease is discovered, requires a treatment period of 7 days. Its exceptional safety (no side effects have ever been found and doses corresponding to 32 times the therapeutic dose did not result in the death of any canary …). I have not seen either of risk of infertility.
Preventive use
-when weaning, possibly before the first release.
-before mating, during the first half of the brooding,
If trichomoniasis declared, the collective treatment is needed!
Dosage Alasol:
– In 5 ml for preventive 2.5 liter for 5 days, or as 2 ml per liter.
– Curative same dosage but for 7 days of treatment
And for those like me who prefer to give in each case when I find an inflammation of the eye, beak I give 1 drop in a fountain of competition.
15) ROPA-B (Booster): Probiotic Size:300 grm cntr Price:Tk.3500/cntr
Quantity: 2 cntr
Ropa-B BOOSTER restores the intestinal flora after antibiotic use, vaccinations and / or heavy exertion. As the product is completely natural, there is no resistance or overdose Ropa-B BOOSTER provides encouraging a healthy digestive system and immune system in pigeons.
Maintenance dose: 4 grams per pound of feed, 3-4 days a week. Can be given during all seasons.
During vaccinations:. 8 grams per kilo of food, five days before and 5 days after.
After use of antibiotics: 8 grams per kilo of food for five days.
16 ) Endo & Ecto Parasites Control: Size:10 ML Quantity:5 pcs Tk.1600/- bottle
Highly effective parasiticide
Great activity against both- Endo & Ecto parasites even at very small doses
Improves productivity
Improves overall health
Improves liver function
Improves immune function
Effective against all stages of most of the major Endo & Ecto parasites such as Roundworms. Ticks, Mites. Lice & Heart worm
ENDO-ECTO is a external and internal parasite control drop. Put one drop medicine on the neck skin of a pigeon and wait for until dry.
17) Belgaroni 10%: Size:Container of 150gr Price:Tk.3000/-
Quantity: 2 pcs
Indications: Preventive and treatment curative in case of trichomoniasis (canker)
Instructions and Dose:
– Preventive: 2 gr per liter of drinking water or with 1/2 kg of feed, for 2 days consecutive.
– Treatment: 2 gr per liter of drinking water or with 1/2 kg of feed, for 6 days consecutive.
– In severe cases, repeat after 14 days.
18) Chevi-col: 100 capsules per pkt Price:Tk.3500/Box
Indications:Treatment and prevention of Trichomoniasis and Hexamitiasis
Parent birds (very important!):After laying eggs but before hatching
Preventive treatment for all other pigeons 1 capsule 1 pigeon Twice a year, for 3 days each
19) OrniSpecial: Size: 80 grm per sachets Price:Tk.4000/-
Quantity:3 can
• Information:Combi-preparation with spectacular effects in case of Ornithosis Complex
symptoms such as:
• decreased desire to fly
• sudden lack of condition after ± 5 races
• dirty noses
• difficult breathing (rattles)
• swollen eyelids
• sneezing and scratching of the head
• darkening of the cere
• dry plumage
• “swollen” feathers around the ears
• Use: 1 – 4 days consecutive 1 measure spoon per 1 liter of water.
Preventive and for extra condition:
1 day before basketing 1 measure spoon per 1 liter of water.
Can also be mixed with W.N. for faster result:
1 sachet W.N. + 1 sachet OrniSpecial (or 2 measure spoons) per 2 liters of water.
20) Nirfuramycin: Size: 25 grm per sachets Price:Tk.650/-
Quantity:25 sachets
INDICATIONS: The best treatment against Salmonellosis (Paratyphus). With 1 sachet of Nifuramycin you can treat 250 pigeons
• Bacterial infections
• Coli infections
• Salmonellosis (Paratyphus)
• Bacterial infections of the respiratory organs
• General stress situations
• 5 grams of Nifuramycin (1 measuring cup) per 2 litres of drinking water (20-25 pigeons) or 1 sachet in 12,5 litres of drinking water (250 pigeons) over period of 3-4 days.
21) Pigeons baby feeder: Quantity: 7 pcs Price:Tk.1000/pcs
মূল লেখক : সোহেল রাবি ভাই
কবুতরের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ঔষধ (Pigeon Medicine) দাম ও কার্যকারিতা । BD Online Pigeon Market

Pigeon Discussion, Pigeon Diseases & treatment
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